Our Story

One morning while walking my dogs around the neighborhood, I notice one of the local scrap metal collectors had two really good looking bicycles in the back of his truck. When I went home I commented to my wife what a waste of two good bikes this was. She said to me,"why don't you do something about it?" So I put up a post on Facebook asking local towns groups if anyone had old bicycles they were willing to donate, I would fix them up and give them back to the community on there local share sites.
The response was overwhelming, I received over 100 bikes in the first three weeks. So I starting fixing them for redistribution. After the first week I created a Facebook group called The Recycled Rides Project, after 4 weeks I have over 600 members and the group keeps growing at a rapid rate. I have been receiving Monetary as well as parts donations from the group The Recycled Rides Amazon parts list.
My goal for this Project is to fix and redistribute as many bicycles as I possible can.
I you have a bicycle you would be willing to donate or would like to make a monetary or parts donation, you can do both through this site as well as reach out to me personally with any questions you may have.
Scott Starkweather